Three decades after they were introduced as a crime-fighting tool, electronic ankle bracelets used to track an offender’s whereabouts have proliferated so much that officials are struggling to handle an avalanche of monitoring alerts that are often nothing more sinister than a dead battery, lost satellite contact or someone arriving home late from work.
Amid all that white noise, alarms are going unchecked, sometimes on defendants now accused of new crimes. Full Article
This crud ticks me off– first of all.. this is OLD NEWS.
Secondly, this is OLD NEWS.
Thirdly, the reason this is news, is because nobody can get past this obvious information talk talk talk with no damn action. It’s time to put cops in jail, remove bad judges from the court system, create a public registry for politicians, and so much more.
I am tired of this country, and the crap we deal with daily.
Go ahead, turn me in for my “voice”.
Typical mainstream news, liberal EXCEPT when it comes to sex offender issues, then they are as conservative as they come. I’m glad there was at least a mention of lost signal on the devices that were not legitimate problems. Three years on parole, the one on me lost it’s signal dozens of times, usually when I was either in coffee shops or attending college classes. These things are not accurate and should be done away with for the most part anyway!
Is there a way we can sue these media outlets for promoting the false hype that we’re all out there seeking an opportunity to kidnap, rape, and kill their kids?